Power Search is a privately developed open source search engine which accesses raw data of state-level campaign contributions ranging from 2001 to the present as reported to the Secretary of State’s CAL-ACCESS campaign finance filing and disclosure system.
Power Search can be used to quickly search for contributions to candidates and ballot measures and contributions from individuals, businesses and other campaign committees. It can also be used to search for independent expenditures made to support or oppose candidates or ballot measures.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) are available to help you with Power Search.
Only electronically-reported, state-level, campaign contribution and independent expenditure data is provided through Power Search at this time. To search for electronically reported independent expenditures and campaign committee expenditures, lobbying activities, and non-campaign related committees (officeholder accounts and legal defense funds), please search using CAL-ACCESS. Campaign and lobbying for cities and counties and federal candidates is not available through CAL-ACCESS
or Power Search.
The results provided by Power Search may be limited by the quality of the data provided by filers.
Power Search Software by MapLight
in partnership with the California Secretary of State